global Finance and business

We produce content on global markets, including investment concentration, innovative technologies, private versus government initiatives, as well as investment trends. Our focus is related to the way governments are spending their money as well as pivots in international operations investment.  Money is power, especially in a global market.  We strive to highlight what is relevant today and beneficial for our understanding of how money is influencing world markets and international cooperation.  

Technology-Driven Industry

Massive leaps in science and technology have triggered a chain reaction that will eventually change how every business on the planet functions.  Like any other large-scale change, some will adapt and thrive whiles others will struggle and fail.  Some entire industries will cease to exist and a wide range of new industries will emerge and change the landscape of how we all do business.  Not only will companies and industries need to adopt new technologies, but they will also equally need to learn how to constantly change and adapt over time, something that has traditionally been difficult for large scale enterprises.  At the same time, the global supply chain is becoming more interconnected and complex, challenging governments to cooperate and collaborate to both enable global commerce and maintain regulatory standards and enforce laws. 

International Goods and Logistics

Changes are happening in every aspect of business, from the start of the supply chain to the delivery of goods to the hands of the customer.  Communications and electronic devices have changed the fundamental idea of how businesses interact with their customers.  Customers can be anywhere in the world, meaning businesses are no longer constrained by their geographic location.  Any business today can be a global business and to support this shift the logistics industry has had to adapt at break-neck speeds.  A robust, global logistics system has changed how goods are moved at every level of the supply chain in every country. Automation and robotics have permanently changed the manufacturing industry and are now rapidly influencing the logistics industry with self-driving and autonomous vehicles, from aircraft to delivery vehicles.  But nothing has changed business more than the growth in the collection, processing, and analysis of data. 

Transcending Geography

Data is a commodity, an asset of the business.  Some company’s entire business model is based on data.  Industries have emerged in the last 10 years whose sole function lies in the processing and analysis of data.  But more important than the quintillions of bytes of data being generated every day is the rate of growth in both information and knowledge: the intelligence revolution.  Computing systems are fusing and analyzing data streams from around the globe, creating insights and information at a scale and speed unobtainable at any other time in human history.  Right now, the technology industry is starting the next massive leap in computing, changing from human-driven data analysis to autonomous data analysis, or Artificial Intelligence (AI).  Just as robotics transformed manufacturing, AI will transform all aspects of intelligence, from scientific research to business to government down to the daily lives of everyone in the modern world. The most exciting part is that all of this is happening at the same time, intertwined, and interconnected, a global science, technology, and business revolution that will change the world as we know it.  We are in the greatest time of invention and change in human history and nothing will be same as it was.

  • influence

    Lobbying, global partners, government funding

  • industry technology

    Predictive investment, data analytics, operations

  • funding

    Private /government investment, organizations